Now reading: 14 mind-bogglingly awesome facts about the Hubble Deep Field images

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14 mind-bogglingly awesome facts about the Hubble Deep Field images

The landmark Deep Field image and its successors make the mind reel with their depictions of the universe’s unfathomable vastness.

Galaxies in outer space

Perhaps the most incredible picture ever captured – aside from that picture you posted on Instagram of your cat wearing sunglasses, of course – is the Hubble Deep Field image.

Released 24 years ago this month, the original Hubble Deep Field image conveys the staggering, incomprehensible quantity of stars and galaxies out there in the universe.

Perhaps most incredibly, the Hubble Telescope captured the image by focusing on a tiny and seemingly “empty” patch of space with a very long exposure. This yielded an image containing thousands of galaxies and trillions – trillions! – of stars.

Over the decades since the release of the first Deep Field image, follow-up observations and experiments (like the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field and the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field) have unveiled exquisitely detailed images of our early universe.

Just last year, the ABYSS Hubble Ultra-Deep Field reprocessed the Ultra-Deep Field images to provide humanity with the deepest look into the cosmos yet.

Feast your eyes and your mind on these Deep Field facts.

Starry night sky with big dipper constellation

Image of galaxies in the night sky with a man in shirt and tie superimposed in front

Image of galaxies in space from the Hubble Deep Field

Image of galaxies in outer space

Hubble Telescope shining light beam through big bang graphic

Image of Fornax constellation in starry night sky

Image of galaxies in outer space

Image of galaxies in outer space

Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy in outer space

Infrared image of Hubble Ultra Deep Field

Irregular galaxy in outer space

Earth with light rainbow wave between the planet and galaxies

Image of galaxies and stars in outer space

Image of Hubble Telescope floating above the Earth in outer space


Fascinating videos about the Hubble Deep Field




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