
Take a self-guided tour from quantum to cosmos!

Author: Erin Bow
New research at Perimeter shows that gravitational fields around black holes might eddy and swirl.
/Mar 11, 2015
Pick up a pencil. Make a mark on a piece of paper. Congratulations: you are doing cutting-edge condensed matter physics.…
/Nov 21, 2014
Happy Birthday, ISSYP! Perimeter’s theoretical physics summer camp for high school students turned 10 this year.
/Aug 29, 2014
Perimeter researchers Itay Yavin and Maxim Pospelov have posited a new force of nature to explain the seeming shrinking of…
/Jul 21, 2014
Perimeter Associate Faculty member Matthew Johnson and his colleagues are working to bring the multiverse hypothesis, which to some sounds…
/Jul 17, 2014
Perimeter researchers have solved a long-standing problem in quantum field theory by mathematically “cutting soap bubbles into pieces.”
/Jun 03, 2014