
Take a self-guided tour from quantum to cosmos!


Astrophysics applies the laws of physics and chemistry to explain the birth, life, and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae, and other objects in the universe. Perimeter researchers work closely with experimentalists to discover new aspects of nature.

A team of Canadian researchers has announced the first detection of a fast radio burst that repeats with predictable frequency.
/Jun 17, 2020
The Event Horizon Telescope, the globe-spanning network that captured humanity’s first image of a black hole, has now peered deep…
/Apr 07, 2020
The landmark Deep Field image and its successors make the mind reel with their depictions of the universe’s unfathomable vastness.
/Jan 28, 2020
“Fundamentally, people care about the cosmos,” said astrophysicist Katie Mack in a recent interview on CBC Radio. 
/Jan 22, 2020
Watch live on February 5 as Bryan Gaensler explores interstellar travel and the search for alien life.
/Jan 10, 2020
For the first time, a repeating fast radio burst first detected by CHIME has been pinpointed to its galaxy of…
/Jan 06, 2020
How Canadians cracked the secret to detecting fast radio bursts and turned a trickle of discoveries into a deluge.
/Dec 03, 2019
Test and expand your knowledge of our galactic home with this quiz about the Milky Way.
/Nov 13, 2019
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, a new sky-surveying instrument involving a pair of Perimeter scientists, will seek to advance our…
/Oct 28, 2019