
Take a self-guided tour from quantum to cosmos!


From the mysterious “dark matter” and “dark energy” that appear to dominate the cosmos, to the nature of the big bang singularity, and the “initial conditions” of the universe, cosmologists at Perimeter are involved in a range of theoretical and observational projects to advance our understanding of the universe.

Learn more about Cosmology at Perimeter Institute.

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has filled in 11 billion years in our picture of the universe, providing “some of…
/Jul 19, 2020
A round-up of what’s up: the latest news from Perimeter, a look at the recent work of researchers and alumni,…
/Jun 04, 2020
Katie “AstroKatie” Mack answered questions from online viewers during a special re-imagined incarnation of the Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series.
/Apr 09, 2020
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, a new sky-surveying instrument involving a pair of Perimeter scientists, will seek to advance our…
/Oct 28, 2019
Gabriela González will take the audience on a journey to some of the universe’s most violent places, and explain how…
/Oct 02, 2019
Watch live on October 2 as Sir Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal, examines whether humanity can tackle the great challenges that…
/Sep 10, 2019
Add a little scientific wonder to your smartphone, tablet, or computer with these thought-provoking wallpapers.
/Aug 28, 2019
The CHIME telescope has announced the discovery of more fast radio bursts, or FRBs, including eight new repeating signals.
/Aug 26, 2019
Multimessenger astronomy is here. What are researchers doing with it?
/Jun 07, 2019
Somewhere deep in space, ultrafast fireworks are going off, releasing as much energy in a single millisecond burst as our…
/Feb 25, 2019