
Take a self-guided tour from quantum to cosmos!

Fun Stuff

From puzzles to pop songs, physics has a way of touching every aspect of our lives. Why? Because science is awesome! These videos, posters, memes, and more celebrate the “fun” of fundamental physics.

In celebration of the release of Secrets of the Universe, Perimeter Institute and K2 Studios will send one lucky winner…
/Jun 04, 2019
You saw the iconic black hole image. How much do you know about it and the gravitational behemoth it depicts?
/May 27, 2019
Download free high-res posters showcasing the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration and the groundbreaking image it attained of the M87 black…
/Apr 10, 2019
What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than by putting three new posters of pioneering scientists on your wall?
/Mar 07, 2019
Somewhere deep in space, ultrafast fireworks are going off, releasing as much energy in a single millisecond burst as our…
/Feb 25, 2019
Equations have their own intrinsic beauty. But as graphic gateways to befuddling physics go, there are few forays more fun…
/Jan 16, 2019
As we gear up for a great new year of science, here’s a chance to relive 2018’s great science stories…
/Jan 08, 2019
Thank you for being part of the equation.
/Dec 18, 2018
What do you get for someone who has (a theory of) everything?
/Dec 18, 2018