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Tag: quantum mechanics
Researchers Robert Spekkens and Kevin Resch are interrogating the nature of causality in quantum mechanics – and the fusion of…
/Nov 08, 2022
A Simons Emmy Noether Fellowship has given experimental physicist Urbasi Sinha the opportunity to collaborate with theorists at Perimeter.
/Aug 09, 2022
Elie Wolfe’s hidden variables research is deeply counterintuitive – and may shed light on what quantum theory tells us about…
/Feb 02, 2022
Perimeter PhD student Florian Hopfmueller is making the leap from academia to industry.
/Oct 09, 2020
Perimeter Institute researchers introduce a new technique called “inflation graphs” that helps unravel causal complexity and promises to prove even…
/Oct 11, 2019
Add a little scientific wonder to your smartphone, tablet, or computer with these thought-provoking wallpapers.
/Aug 28, 2019
Just because a theory works, doesn’t mean we understand it, writes Dan Falk.
/Dec 11, 2018
An orchestral concert is an unlikely setting for a lesson in quantum mechanics. All the more reason to do it.
/Aug 17, 2015
New research from Perimeter shows that two of the strangest features of quantum mechanics – entanglement and negative energy –…
/Apr 21, 2015
We present a unique look at the most famous thought experiment in quantum physics, in which an unfortunate (and, rest…
/Aug 12, 2014