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What are people talking about at Perimeter Institute right now?

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Perimeter researchers have solved a long-standing problem in quantum field theory by mathematically “cutting soap bubbles into pieces.”
/Jun 03, 2014
Now that we’ve discovered ways to build large quantum systems, we need to figure out how they change through time.…
/Jun 03, 2014
Researchers are using surprising ideas and mathematical tools originating in string theory to guide research into strange materials that are…
/Jun 03, 2014
Teaser trailer for S. James Gates Perimeter Institute Public Lecture, June 4, 2014, 7:00 PM EDT. WATCH THE LECTURE LIVE…
/Jun 04, 2014
The latest season of the Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series featured talks by renowned speakers from around the world, on…
/Jun 12, 2014
As Carl Sagan once wrote: “It does no harm to the romance of the sunset to know a little bit…
/Jun 20, 2014
The secret to powerful quantum computing lies in a special kind of context, says new theoretical research.
/Jun 23, 2014
Alan Turing was known as an eccentric at Bletchley Park during World War Two. Mathematician and cryptography expert Dr. James…
/Jun 23, 2014
Mathematician and cryptography expert Dr. James Grime sums up the impact that math had on ending the war. For the…
/Jun 23, 2014
Ever wonder how the famous Enigma Machine worked? Mathematician and cryptography expert Dr. James Grime takes one apart to demonstrate…
/Jun 23, 2014