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Quantum Matter

Quantum matter is one of the most promising and most productive areas in fundamental physics research. Located at the nexus of converging fields, including condensed matter physics, quantum information, quantum gravity, and string theory, it is a highly interdisciplinary area that encompasses many of Perimeter Institute’s research strengths.

Learn more about Quantum Matter at Perimeter Institute.

A new method brings physicists closer to resolving 50-year-old conjecture.
/Jul 14, 2023
Perimeter researchers propose a new type of quantum matter that may help forge a new path to understanding quantum matter…
/Sep 30, 2022
‘Magic’ has a technical meaning in quantum theory, and Perimeter’s Timothy Hsieh and collaborators have found a huge source of…
/Apr 11, 2022
Perimeter researchers looking deep into simulations of quantum computers have found something startling: new physics. Specifically, they found a new…
/Jan 05, 2022
Perimeter researcher Estelle Inack has developed a neural network that can help pick the best solution when problems are complex…
/Oct 25, 2021
Quantum computing is advancing fastest and best just where theory and experiment intersect. Case in point: a breakthrough collaboration between…
/Dec 07, 2020
In her December 2 public lecture webcast, quantum condensed matter expert Karen Hallberg will explore examples of emergent phenomena and…
/Nov 20, 2020
With the launch of a new collaboration lab, physicists are adding fuel to the AI revolution, writes Perimeter Associate Faculty…
/Dec 03, 2019
Long seen as the domain of computer scientists, machine learning is now considered a powerful tool for tackling difficult problems…
/Aug 08, 2019
A clerical error led her to physics. Now she’s helping chart new territory in a world of possibility.
/May 31, 2019