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Tag: big bang
Simons Emmy Noether Fellow Malena Tejeda-Yeomans is studying heavy ion collisions that recreate the first moments after the big bang.
/Nov 22, 2022
A decades-old description of the big bang may not hold up to mathematical scrutiny, according to new work co-authored by…
/Jun 15, 2017
New research proposes that the universe may have been two-dimensional at the time of the big bang.
/Apr 12, 2017
Observational evidence described in Physical Review Letters may illuminate new aspects of quantum gravity.
/Jan 30, 2017
It has long been considered a non-negotiable law of physics: the speed of light is a constant. But is it…
/Nov 28, 2016
A new model of quantum cosmology shows how this universe might have been born from the one before it –…
/Aug 16, 2016
New research has overturned a widely publicized claim about the beginnings of the universe.
/Apr 22, 2015
Our universe may have emerged from a black hole in a higher-dimensional universe, propose a trio of Perimeter Institute researchers…
/Apr 17, 2015
The big bang poses a big question: if it was indeed the cataclysm that blasted our universe into existence 13.7…
/Aug 07, 2014
In the quest to bridge the gap between the physics of the very large and the very small, Perimeter Postdoctoral…
/Jul 21, 2014