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Tag: big bang
Simons Emmy Noether Fellow Malena Tejeda-Yeomans is studying heavy ion collisions that recreate the first moments after the big bang.
A decades-old description of the big bang may not hold up to mathematical scrutiny, according to new work co-authored by…
New research proposes that the universe may have been two-dimensional at the time of the big bang.
Observational evidence described in Physical Review Letters may illuminate new aspects of quantum gravity.
It has long been considered a non-negotiable law of physics: the speed of light is a constant. But is it…
A new model of quantum cosmology shows how this universe might have been born from the one before it –…
New research has overturned a widely publicized claim about the beginnings of the universe.
Our universe may have emerged from a black hole in a higher-dimensional universe, propose a trio of Perimeter Institute researchers…
The big bang poses a big question: if it was indeed the cataclysm that blasted our universe into existence 13.7…
In the quest to bridge the gap between the physics of the very large and the very small, Perimeter Postdoctoral…