Now reading: 8 inspiring (and free!) scientific wallpapers to smarten up any device

Take a self-guided tour from quantum to cosmos!

8 inspiring (and free!) scientific wallpapers to smarten up any device

Add a little scientific wonder to your smartphone, tablet, or computer with these thought-provoking wallpapers.

Different devices with Einstein and equation background

We have become glued to our screens, tapping and clicking our way through a virtual world of work, communication, commerce, and play.

Different devices with Einstein and equation backgroundA universe of information is at our fingertips — sometimes at the expense of experiencing the real deal. If you’re reading these words on a screen, our first piece of advice is to step outside and smell the figurative or literal roses.

But since very few of us can spend all day rose-sniffing, our second piece of advice is to create a more inspiring onscreen experience for yourself with our new science-themed wallpapers.

These wallpapers convey concepts of cosmology, quantum mechanics, astrophysics, and geometric art inspired by the architecture of Perimeter Institute.

Check out the wallpapers below, and fill out the form at the bottom of this page to receive them all.

We’d love to see these wallpapers in action! Take a screenshot and share it with us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram! Not sure how to change your wallpaper? This guide has you covered.

Quantum to Cosmos, by Perimeter Institute

Different devices with Qubit background

Download Quantum to Cosmos: Phone (640×960) | Tablet (1024×768) | Standard (1600×1200) | Wide (1920×1080) | Retina (2560×1600)


All Known Physics, by Perimeter Institute

This equation summarizes all known laws of physics. It says reality is described by all the possible histories allowed by the laws of gravity, the forces and particles, their masses, the Higgs field, and dark energy.

Different devices with equations

Download All Known Physics: Phone (640×960) | Tablet (1024×768) | Standard (1600×1200) | Wide (1920×1080) | Retina (2560×1600)


Einstein Equations, by Gabriela Secara

Different devices with Einstein and equation background
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Black Hole at M87, by the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration

Different device with Black Hole background
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Cosmic Wonder (acrylic on canvas), by Gabriela Secara

Different devices with black hole artwork
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Gravitational Monster in the Night (chalk on blackboard), by ChalkMaster Dave

Different devices with black hole chalk artwork
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Stephen Hawking Portrait (chalk on blackboard), by ChalkMaster Dave

Different device with Hawking background
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Geometric Architecture of Perimeter, by Gabriela Secara

Different devices with PI staircase background
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On July 27, Juan Maldacena, a luminary in the worlds of string theory and quantum gravity, will share his insights on black holes, wormholes, and quantum entanglement.

/Jul 12, 2023

Researchers Robert Spekkens and Kevin Resch are interrogating the nature of causality in quantum mechanics – and the fusion of theory and experiment is helping solve some long-standing puzzles at the edge of known physics.

/Nov 08, 2022

Dark Matter Night will feature live talks on October 26 at both Perimeter Institute and the McDonald Institute, webcast free online.

/Oct 07, 2022