
Take a self-guided tour from quantum to cosmos!

PI is now providing the first in a new series of in-class, educational resources designed to help teachers introduce and…
/Jul 15, 2013
Dr. Neil Turok, Director of PI, will welcome Prof. Stephen Hawking to Waterloo, Ontario, this summer to conduct scientific research…
/Jul 11, 2013
PI asks Canadian students to explain why “I Love Science”, with two grand prize winners coming to Waterloo for Professor…
/Jul 11, 2013
The April-June 2010 edition of the Canadian Association of Physicists’ quarterly publication highlights some of the exciting science being done…
/Jul 11, 2013
In his June 20 lecture, Prof. Hawking compared Perimeter Institute to Cambridge in the 1960s and said he was expecting…
/Jul 11, 2013
Commitment to Perimeter Institute for the next five years.
/Jul 31, 2012