Now reading: 14 fascinating physics facts about flakes (of snow)

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14 fascinating physics facts about flakes (of snow)

Every snowflake is a unique marvel of physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, and pure natural beauty. Try to remember that next time you’re shovelling the driveway.

featured slice snow

‘Tis the season for snow, at least for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. Here in Canada, many places are bound to be buried in a blanket of the fluffy stuff any day now (and some already are!). So we figured we’d take a look at the fascinating physics behind the crystalline wonders of winter, snowflakes.

Grab a cup of hot cocoa and learn some frosty factoids you can use to impress coworkers at office parties or family members while you’re home for the holidays.

snowflake shape

number of snowflakes

snow science

kepler snowflakes

snow facts


white snow

snowflakes alike

22 degree halo

snow science

ice science

physics winter

physics of snow

Watch Kenneth Libbrecht’s 2012 Perimeter Public Lecture, The Secret Life of Snow:


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