
Take a self-guided tour from quantum to cosmos!

Fun Stuff

From puzzles to pop songs, physics has a way of touching every aspect of our lives. Why? Because science is awesome! These videos, posters, memes, and more celebrate the “fun” of fundamental physics.

For David “Doddy” Marsh, a postdoctoral researcher at Canada’s Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, skateboarding and physics are essential components…
/Dec 08, 2014
For Perimeter postdoc David “Doddy” Marsh, skateboarding and theoretical physics are two halves of his whole – sometimes complementary, sometimes…
/Dec 08, 2014
Juno Award-winning hip hop artist Shad explains the unexpected connections he discovered between music and theoretical physics thanks to his…
/Dec 05, 2014
To commemorate what would have been Carl Sagan’s 80th birthday, Perimeter Institute celebrates one of science’s greatest advocates.
/Nov 09, 2014
Mathematics met arts-and-crafts when Perimeter Institute was one of 20 sites worldwide that participated in the MegaMenger Project to build…
/Oct 28, 2014
A unique look at the most famous thought experiment of quantum physics, in which an unfortunate (and, rest assured, purely…
/Aug 12, 2014
We present a unique look at the most famous thought experiment in quantum physics, in which an unfortunate (and, rest…
/Aug 12, 2014
As Carl Sagan once wrote: “It does no harm to the romance of the sunset to know a little bit…
/Jun 20, 2014