
Take a self-guided tour from quantum to cosmos!


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Quantum gravity is likely to be stranger than either quantum theory or gravitational theory alone, says Perimeter Faculty member Lucien…
/May 05, 2020
“Causal inference” has been used to probe quantum systems. Now, a Perimeter graduate is exploring how it could provide insight…
/Apr 23, 2020
So, you’re stuck inside for a while. That doesn’t mean things have to be drab. Grab one of our new,…
/Apr 09, 2020
Katie “AstroKatie” Mack answered questions from online viewers during a special re-imagined incarnation of the Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series.
/Apr 09, 2020
The Event Horizon Telescope, the globe-spanning network that captured humanity’s first image of a black hole, has now peered deep…
/Apr 07, 2020
The discovery of a set of peculiar quantum field theories opened up a bounty of unsolved problems. Two Perimeter researchers…
/Mar 24, 2020
Perimeter’s one-day “Inspiring Future Women in Science” conference mixes science talks with discussion of the rewards, challenges, and possibilities of…
/Mar 16, 2020
Are you searching for ways to both entertain and educate yourself — and perhaps the young people at home with…
/Mar 16, 2020
Accomplished women working in science, technology, engineering, and math deliver inspiring talks to an audience of high school students. Watch…
/Mar 02, 2020
Famous as an author, a mentor, and a field-founding researcher, Carlo Rovelli has a new position as one of Perimeter’s…
/Feb 26, 2020